How to Get Residence visa in dubai

Dubai Residence Visa Overview

Dubai residence visa

Dubai Residence Visa is a type of visa issued by the government of Dubai, which allows foreign nationals to live and work in the city. The visa is tied to a specific sponsor, who can be an individual, a company or a government entity. The sponsor is responsible for the visa holder and their stay in Dubai.

To obtain a Dubai Residence Visa, you will need to follow these steps:

Find a sponsor: You need to have a sponsor who is willing to sponsor your visa application. The sponsor could be a family member, an employer or a government entity.

Complete the visa application form: You can find the application form online or from the Dubai immigration office.

Gather supporting documents: You will need to provide the following documents: passport, passport-sized photos, a medical certificate, and proof of employment or sponsorship.

Pay the visa fees: The visa fees vary depending on the type of visa and the length of stay.

Submit the application: Submit the completed application form and supporting documents to the Dubai immigration office.

It usually takes several weeks to process a Dubai Residence Visa application. Once the visa is approved, you will receive a residency permit, which you must carry with you at all times while in Dubai.

Note: The process and requirements for obtaining a Dubai Residence Visa may change from time to time, so it is advisable to check with the Dubai immigration authorities for the most up-to-date information.

How to Get Residence visa in dubai

Getting a Residence Visa in Dubai requires you to follow these steps:

Find a sponsor: The first step to getting a Residence Visa in Dubai is to find a sponsor. This can be an employer, a family member, or a government entity. Your sponsor will be responsible for your visa application and for your stay in Dubai.

Gather required documents: You will need to provide the following documents for your Residence Visa application: passport, passport-sized photos, a medical certificate, and proof of employment or sponsorship.

Complete the visa application form: You can find the visa application form online or from the Dubai immigration office.

Pay the visa fees: The visa fees vary depending on the type of visa and the length of stay.

Submit the application: Once you have completed the application form and gathered all the required documents, you can submit the application to the Dubai immigration office.

Wait for processing: It typically takes several weeks to process a Residence Visa application in Dubai.

Receive the visa: If your application is approved, you will receive a residency permit, which you must carry with you at all times while in Dubai

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