Maid visa dubai

Maid visa in Dubai

Maid visa dubai

If you are looking to obtain a maid visa in Dubai, you will need to follow certain procedures and requirements. Here are the general steps you need to take:

Find a sponsor: To obtain a maid visa in Dubai, you need to have a sponsor who is either a UAE national or a resident of Dubai. This sponsor could be your employer or a family member who is willing to sponsor you.

Apply for a residence visa: Once you have a sponsor, you can apply for a residence visa for your maid through the General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs (GDRFA). You will need to submit the necessary documents, including your sponsor's passport and visa, your maid's passport and a medical fitness certificate.

Medical fitness test: Your maid will need to undergo a medical fitness test to obtain a residence visa. This test is usually conducted at a government-approved medical center.

Emirates ID: After obtaining the residence visa, your maid will also need to obtain an Emirates ID card. This can be done at any Emirates ID center.

Health insurance: You will need to provide health insurance for your maid, as it is mandatory in Dubai.

Contract: You and your maid will need to sign a contract that outlines the terms and conditions of her employment, including her salary, working hours, duties and responsibilities.

Stamp the visa: Once you have completed all the necessary steps, your maid's residence visa will need to be stamped on her passport.

Note that the specific requirements and procedures for obtaining a maid visa in Dubai may vary depending on your individual situation and circumstances. It is always a good idea to check with the relevant authorities for the most up-to-date information.

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